Friday, April 10, 2009

Green Headwear is offering an exclusive collection called Green Earth Tartan & Tweed. It uses a custom tartan pattern that ” features a unique tartan pattern. Each color highlights an aspect of Earth’s splendor, as well as draws attention to the environmental perils she faces”. And 10% of the proceeds go to environmental charities to boot.

Hopefully it will catch on and become a way to demonstrate your compassion for nature in a more stylish manner than a faux tie-dyed tee with an illustration of a timber wolf on it. Maybe it will become as trendy as those project (RED) shirts I see at the Gap, but never on people outside of it.

I also have a somewhat selfish motivation for the success of this collection. That handsome chap posing in the Army Cap in the collection banner as well as in the Ivy Cap occasionally on the home page is me.

It’s my one and only venture into the world of modeling. I was spotted by a Bollman Hat Co. executive, while playing a gig. For the sake of disclosure, their photographer is a friend of mine. She approached me about modeling the collection and I naturally (no pun intended) agreed.

Even if I weren’t loosely connected to these hats, I’d still consider them a fine looking lot; more than worthy of a purchase. Don’t be afraid to spread the word and be on the cutting edge of a new cause-inspired trend.

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